
Pine labs Billing System Integration SDK supports both CSV and JSON format message protocol between the PoS System and the Payment terminal. This section describes the message format followed by the PoSLib's doTransaction API to process transaction with Payment device.

Message Protocol

The messages that are transmitted between the PoS and the Terminal will use the following structure. Both request and response messages exchanged shall follow the same structure.

Message Structure

Request Packet Structure
Byte Number Type Content Description
1 to 2 BYTE Source ID Identification Number for client (e.g. 0x1000)
3 to 4 BYTE Function Code 0x0997 Refer Function Codes
5 to 6 BYTE Data Length Excluding ETX E.g. 0x0032 for a data length of 50 bytes
7 to N ASCII Data 4001,TX1234567890,215400,,,,,,,

Response Packet Structure
Byte Number Type Content Description
1 to 2 BYTE Source ID Identification Number for client (e.g. 0x1000)
3 to 4 BYTE Function Code 0x0997 Refer Function Codes
5 to 6 BYTE Error Code 0x0001 - valid response, 0x0000 - invalid response
0x0002 - Cancel response
7 to 8 BYTE Data Length Excluding ETX E.g. 0x0032 for a data length of 50 bytes
9 to N ASCII Data "T1/1234567890,""000059"",""APPROVED"",
""401152******15 69"",""XXXX"",
""AXIS BANK GIFT CARD"",""VISA"",370,203,
""78569456"",0,""PROCESSED"",""HDFC BANK"",
"""",""000020"",1,1,""PINE LABS PVT.LTD."",
""Testing Server"",""NOIDA - INDIA"",
""Plutus v1.49.1 MT HDFC BANK"",01,00,

CSV requests and responses, data fields are separated by commas (,). There are 23 fields in total, where some are mandatory while others are optional depending on the transaction type.

For instance, in a sale request, fields 1 and 3 are mandatory, and the merchant billing application must provide the data for these fields. The remaining fields, which are optional, can either be filled with data or left empty based on specific requirements.

Here's an example for a sale request, if the merchant billing application need to send fields 1, 2, 3, and 16, where 2 and 16 are optional, it can leave fields 4 to 15 empty using commas, like this:

In the above example, field 1 represents the transaction code, field 3 represents the transaction amount, and fields 2 and 16 are optional and filled as needed. The remaining fields from 4 to 15 are left empty with commas.

Sale Transaction

A transaction between two parties where the buyer receives goods (tangible or intangible),services and/or assets in exchange for money.

Message Format

Request Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types Range: 4001-4216 4001 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa) 999999 Mandatory
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency) 999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory
42 Transcation Cuurency String 3 Indicates the currency code of the transaction AED Mandatory
43 Exchange Rate Double 0-15 This field is the relative value at which one currency can be exchanged for another currency 11.1 Mandatory
44 DCC Amount Double 0-15 Total amount processed for a transaction presented to a cardholder using Dynamic Currency Conversion 12.11 Mandatory
45 Markup Fee Double 0-15 A markup fee is an additional charge applied to the cost of a product or service to cover the seller's overhead costs, profit margin, and other expenses 5.5 Mandatory
46 Trace Number String 0-15 A unique sequence number assigned by the message initiator to uniquely identify a transaction. 11 Mandatory
47 AID String 0-15 EMV AID A00000000310 Mandatory
48 TVR String 0-15 EMV TVR 48000 Mandatory
49 ARQC String 0-16 Authorization Request Cryptogram is a cryptographic code generated by the card's chip during a payment transaction and is used to authenticate the legitimacy of the transaction request A2F8CD0C107F910 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 4001,TX12345678,101000,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— ^"TX12345678","00","APPROVED","**6793","XXXX","NIKHIL P PATIL /","VISA",1118,23,"99800026",0,"PROCESSED","ICICI BANK","","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANAKPURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v2.12 MT ICICI BANK",02,"","","","","","","","","","06232023","134311","4295223063","100","4001","CARD_CHIP"ÿ

JSON Request:
    Coming Soon

JSON Response:
    Coming Soon

Please refer Error code and Error messages

Refund Transaction

Compensation paid to the customer for over-invoicing or for returned goods.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/ Optional
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types. Range: 4001-4216 4002 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will only use this value for printing on charge slip. “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa). 999999 Mandatory
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition. 201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 01-12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition. 123234 Optional
15 Reward/Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency). 999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Settlement Summary (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 4002,TX12345678,100,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— y"TX12345678","","Transaction not supported for the selected acquirer","**5184","XXXX",""," ",0,0,"99800026",0,"Transaction not supported for the selected acquirer","ICICI BANK"," ","000000000000",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANAKPURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v2.12 MT ICICI BANK",02,"","","","","","","","","","","","0","100","4002","CARD_CHIP"ÿ

JSON Request:
   Coming Soon

JSON Response:
   Coming Soon

Void Transaction

The Void transaction is used to reverse a previously approved Sale transaction.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types. 4006 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external TX12345678 Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa). 999999 Mandatory
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Mandatory
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Mandatory
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition. 201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 01-12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition. 123234 Optional
15 Reward/Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency). 999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Optional
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Optional
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Optional
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Optional
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Optional
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Optional
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Optional
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Optional
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Optional
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Optional
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Optional
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Optional
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Optional
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Optional
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Optional
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Optional
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Optional
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Optional
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Optional
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Optional
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Optional
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Optional
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Optional
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Optional


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 4006,TX12345678,100,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— 7Invalid Invoice Number or details for this transactionÿ

JSON Request:
  Coming Soon

JSON Response:
  Coming Soon

Pre Auth Transaction

A pre-authorization is a transaction to determine and block if cardholder have a maximum available credit line, which will not be actually charged.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types. Range: 4001-4216 4007 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa) 999999 Mandatory
15 Reward/Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency) 999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 4007,TX12345678,100,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— D"TX12345678","00","APPROVED","**5184","XXXX","","VISA",1122,23,"99800026",0,"PROCESSED","ICICI BANK","","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANAKPURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v2.12 MT ICICI BANK",02,"","","","","","","","","","06232023","155227","4295223147","100","4007","CARD_CHIP"ÿ

JSON Request:
Coming Soon

JSON Response:

Coming Soon

Sale Complete Transaction

Completion is the transaction to process or complete the Pre authorized transaction. Completion can be for the full pre authorized amount or diffrent amount.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types.
Range: 4001-4216
4008 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa) 999999 Mandatory
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Mandatory
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Mandatory
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 01-12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency). 999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 4008,TX12345678,100,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— "TX12345678","","Invalid Invoice Number or details for this transaction","","XXXX",""," ",1122,0," ",0,"Invalid Invoice Number or details for this transaction","BANK"," ","000000000000",1,1," "," "," ","",00,"","","","","","","","","","","","0","100","4008",""ÿ
JSON Request:
                  Coming Soon

JSON Response:
                  Coming Soon

Brand EMI Transaction

A Brand EMI transaction is an equated monthly installment (EMI) payment option offered by a bank or non-banking financial company (NBFC) in association with a particular brand. This allows customers to purchase products from the brand on credit and repay the amount in monthly installments.

The interest rate and tenure of the EMI are decided by the bank or NBFC in consultation with the brand. The customer can choose the EMI tenure depending on their affordability.

EMI Related Parameters:
Index Sample Data Description
1 999113881 Pine Labs Product code
2 7 Brand OEM ID provided by Pine Labs
3 463 Pine Labs Rule Id
4 106 Pine Labs Rule Type ID
5 753 Pine Labs Scheme Code
6 3 Tenure
7 233 Pine Labs Issuer ID
8 29489583 IMEI number/SERIAL NO
9 9900336400 Mobile number

• EMI-related fields are transmitted in a pipe-separated format from the merchant billing system. The majority of these parameters are optional. In cases where the billing system does not provide certain parameters, the Electronic Data Capture (EDC) system will prompt the user to manually enter or select the required details through a screen.

• Fields like Rule ID, Rule Type ID, Scheme Code and Issuer ID are NA for merchants who do not have Scheme information.

Use Cases for Brand EMI

Brand EMI can be performed in two ways where Merchant can either select the product and EMI details on the Merchant Billing Application or they can be selected on android payment terminal. Below section describes both use cases.

Product and EMI details selection on Merchant Billing Application

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
5002 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 EMI Parameter String 1 - 100 These fields are pipe separated, Product code, OEM ID, Rule ID, Rule Type ID, Scheme Code, Tenure, Issuer ID, IMEI number/SERIAL NO, Mobile Number 999113881|7|463|106|753|3|233|29489583|9900336400| Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Mandatory/td>
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value
1 Billing Reference Number Integer 1 – 32768 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678
2 Approval Code String 1 – 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. 5261AJ
3 Host Response String Length: 0 – 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. APPROVED
4 Card Number String Length: 0– 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. ************2802
5 Expiration Date String 0, 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. XXXX
6 Cardholder's Name String 0 – 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. AMIT MOHAN
7 Card Type String 0 – 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. VISA
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 6 or 3 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip) 78/101
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction)
10 Terminal ID String 0, 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 30000001
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used. Range: 0 – 99999999 0
12 Remark String 0 – 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization Failed to dial modem
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 – 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed ICICI BANK
14 Merchant ID String 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000100090 015607
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 – 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000000012 843
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 – 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry, 1 – Swipe entry, 2 – Chip card entry. Any other value – card not validated. Range: 0 – 32767 1
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 – 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name, 1 – Print cardholder’s name. Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip. Range: 0 – 32767 0
18 Merchant Name String 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string NOBLE MOTORS
19 Merchant Address String 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string HAJI ALI
20 Merchant City String 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string MUMBAI
21 Plutus Version String 0 – 40 Plutus version v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51- PINE 360, 301 – Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency 10000
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 15 Redeemed Points 400.00
25 Reward Balance Amount String 10 Balance Amount 1000000
26 Reward Balance Points Double 15 Balance Point 40000.00
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)*
28 EMI Parameter String 0 – 23 Brand EMI 106.These fields are pipe separated. Brand Type,Tenuar ID,Issuer Bank,Base Amount,EMI amount, Addinital case back,Rule ID,Sechma ID, OEM ID, OEM Name,Pine Product code,SKU code,IMEI no,Mobile No 106|3|HDFC BANK|1000000|337787|0|1037|1612|7|Apple iPhone|999113876|MT9E2HN/A|568282|9911072148
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/a mount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 – 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. 100000
30 RFU3 String 0 – 23 Reserved for future use
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. 02012011
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. 210403
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— †5002,TX12345678,100000,,,,,,,,,,,999113881|7|463|106|753|3|233|29489583|9900336400|,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— y"TX12345678","000000","APPROVED","************8079","XXXX","1220001611900305 /","MASTERCARD",2,1,"52145625",0,"PROCESSED","AXIS BANK","037011001791708","000000000020",2,1,"RWAMRITSAR","RWAMRITSAR","AMRITSAR","Plutus v2.55 AXIS BANK",05,"","","","","","106|3|HDFC BANK|1000000|337787|0|1037|1612|7|Apple iPhone|999113876|MT9E2HN/A|568282|9911072148","","","","01102020","134418"ÿ

JSON Request:
        Coming Soon

JSON Response:
        Coming Soon

Product and EMI details selection on Android Payment Terminal.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
4001 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 EMI Parameter String 1 - 100 These fields are pipe separated, Product code, OEM ID, Rule ID, Rule Type ID, Scheme Code, Tenure, Issuer ID, IMEI number/SERIAL NO, Mobile Number 999113881|7|463|106|753|3|233|29489583|9900336400| Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/ Optional
1 Billing Reference Number Integer 1 – 32768 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 – 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well 5261AJ Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 – 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. APPROVED Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 – 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. ************2802 Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0, 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. XXXX Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 – 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string AMIT MOHAN Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 – 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string VISA Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 6 or 3 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction) Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0, 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 30000001 Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used. Range: 0 – 99999999 0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 – 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization Failed to dial modem Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 – 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed ICICI BANK Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000100090 015607 Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 – 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000000012 843 Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 – 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry, 1 – Swipe entry, 2 – Chip card entry. Any other value – card not validated. Range: 0 – 32767 1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder’s Name on receipt Integer 0 – 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name, 1 – Print cardholder’s name. Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip. Range: 0 – 32767 0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string NOBLE MOTORS Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string HAJI ALI Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string MUMBAI Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 – 40 Plutus version v1.54 (for ICICI BANK) Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51- PINE 360, 301 – Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency 10000 Mandatory
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 15 Redeemed Points 400.00 Mandatory
25 Reward Balance Amount String 10 Balance Amount 1000000 Mandatory
26 Reward Balance Points Double 15 Balance Point 40000.00 Mandatory
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Optional
28 EMI Parameter String 0 – 23 Bank EMI 105, Brand .These fields are pipe separated. Brand Type, Tenuar ID, Issuer Bank, Base Amount, EMI amount, Addinital case back, Rule ID, Sechma ID, OEM ID, OEM Name, Pine Product code, SKU code, IMEI no, Mobile No 106|3|HDFC BANK|1000000|337787|0|1037|1612|7|Apple iPhone|999113876|MT9E2HN/A|568282|9911072148 Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 – 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. 100000 Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 – 23 Reserved for future use Optional
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. 02012011 Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24hour format. 210403 Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
TX12345678","000000","APPROVED","************8079","XXXX","1220001611900305 /","MASTERCARD",2,1,"52145625",0,"PROCESSED","AXIS BANK","037011001791708","000000000020",2,1,"RWAMRITSAR","RWAMRITSAR","AMRITSAR","Plutus v2.55 AXIS BANK",05,"","","","","","106|3|HDFC BANK|1000000|337787|0|1037|1612|7|Apple iPhone|999113876|MT9E2HN/A|568282|9911072148","","","","01102020","134418"

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

Bank EMI Transaction

A Bank EMI transaction is an equated monthly installment (EMI) payment option offered by a bank to its customers. This allows customers to purchase products or services from any merchant and repay the amount in monthly installments.

The interest rate and tenure of the EMI are decided by the bank. The customer can choose the EMI tenure depending on their affordability.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
5101 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 1 - 12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/ Optional
1 Billing Reference Number Integer 1 – 32768 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 – 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well 5261AJ Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 – 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. APPROVED Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 – 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. ************2802 Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0, 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. XXXX Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 – 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string AMIT MOHAN Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 – 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string VISA Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 6 or 3 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction) Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0, 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 30000001 Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used. Range: 0 – 99999999 0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 – 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization Failed to dial modem Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 – 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed ICICI BANK Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000100090 015607 Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 – 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000000012 843 Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 – 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry, 1 – Swipe entry, 2 – Chip card entry. Any other value – card not validated. Range: 0 – 32767 1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder’s Name on receipt Integer 0 – 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name, 1 – Print cardholder’s name. Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip. Range: 0 – 32767 0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string NOBLE MOTORS Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string HAJI ALI Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string MUMBAI Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 – 40 Plutus version v1.54 (for ICICI BANK) Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51- PINE 360, 301 – Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency 10000 Mandatory
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 15 Redeemed Points 400.00 Mandatory
25 Reward Balance Amount String 10 Balance Amount 1000000 Mandatory
26 Reward Balance Points Double 15 Balance Point 40000.00 Mandatory
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Optional
28 EMI Parameter String 0 – 23 Bank EMI 105, Brand .These fields are pipe separated. Brand Type,Tenuar ID,Issuer Bank,Base Amount,EMI amount 105|3|HDFC BANK|100000|33890|0 Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 – 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. 100000 Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 – 23 Reserved for future use Optional
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. 02012011 Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24hour format. 210403 Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
 — !5101 ,TX12345678,100000,,,,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— Q"TX12345678","00","APPROVED","************9857","XXXX","SANDEEP KUMAR /","MASTERCARD",32,0,"98938493",0,"PROCESSED","ICICI BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANAKPURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v2.12 MT",02,"","","","","","105|3|HDFC BANK|100000|33890|0","","","","09172020","112627","2681531","100000","5101","CARD_CHIP"ÿ

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

EMI as Single Transaction for Brand & Bank EMI

This transaction is similar to EMI transactions here user will select the type of EMI(Brand/Bank EMI) at the terminal based on the user selection application will process the selected EMI mode(Brand/Bank EMI).

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
5005 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 1 - 12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
 — 5005, TX12345678,100,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— mT1/1234567890,"00","APPROVED","************6801","XXXX","GAURAV KUMAR","VISA",148,58,"75776899",0,"PROCESSED","ICICI BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANAKPURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v2.12 MT ICICI BANK",02,"","","","","","105|3|HDFC BANK|10000|3389|0","","","","08012023","173700","4295231192","10000","5005","CARD_CHIP"ÿ

JSON Request:
    Coming Soon

JSON Response:
    Coming Soon

Tip Adjust Transaction

The Tip Adjust transaction is used to notify the host that there has been an addition to the amount of a previous transaction.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/ Optional
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types.
Range: 4001-4216
4015 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa) 999999 Mandatory
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 01-12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency). 999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory

Adjust Transaction

Adjust transaction is used to notify the host that there has been an addition/correction to the amount of a previous transaction

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
4005 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 1 - 12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory

Reward Redemption

A transaction between two parties where the buyer receives goods (tangible or intangible), services and/or assets in exchange for Reward points.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
4101 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 1 - 12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Mandatory
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Mandatory
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Mandatory
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Mandatory
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
 — $"4101","TX12345678","9999000",,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— 9TX12345678,"7261A9","TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL","************2802","0406","RamSingh","",78,502,"30000001",0,"P ROCESSED", "LOYALTY REWARD", "000100090015607"," 624615343002",1, 1," HPCL Area 18"," Kamla Mills","Noida","v.01.00.00",81,"10000","400.00","1000000","40000.00","","","","","" ,"02012011","210403"TCP CSV: ÿ

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

Reward Void

The Reward Void transaction is used to reverse a previously approved Reward redemption transaction.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
4102 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 1 - 12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
 — 84006,TX12345678,9999000,01,,,,,,,,”9002”,”201” ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— nTX12345678,“7261A9”,”TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL”,”************2802”,”0406”,”RamSingh”,””,78,502,”30000001”,0,”P ROCESSED”, ”LOYALTY REWARD”, ”000100090015607”,” 624615343002”,1, 1,” HPCL Area 18”,” Kamla Mills”,”Noida”,”v.01.00.00”,81,"10000","400.00","1000000","40000.00","","","","","" ,"02012011","210403" ÿ
JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

Reward Void

The Reward Void transaction is used to reverse a previously approved Reward redemption transaction.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
4102 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 1 - 12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
 — 84006,TX12345678,9999000,01,,,,,,,,”9002”,”201” ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— nTX12345678,“7261A9”,”TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL”,”************2802”,”0406”,”RamSingh”,””,78,502,”30000001”,0,”P ROCESSED”, ”LOYALTY REWARD”, ”000100090015607”,” 624615343002”,1, 1,” HPCL Area 18”,” Kamla Mills”,”Noida”,”v.01.00.00”,81,"10000","400.00","1000000","40000.00","","","","","" ,"02012011","210403" ÿ

JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon

Transaction Validation

Transaction Validation transaction is used to validate the previous completed Sale transactions.
This transaction can be used if the user wants to know the status on previous completed Sale transaction.

  1. For Sale, transaction-ID is mandatory.
  2. If PTRN/BillingRefNumber is provided, other transaction identifiers (Transaction ID, Client ID, Batch ID, Roc) should not be passed.
  3. Last tranascation of EDC batch response will pending until next txn will done or batch settled.
  4. Validation APIs will send response of only 2 (48 Hours) days txn.
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types Range: 4001-4216 7001 Mandatory
2 Merchant ID Long 0 - 15 PLUTUS Merchant ID 000100090015607 Mandatory
3 Transaction Type Identifier STRING 1 - 100 String that identifies txn type. Valid values are: SALE, PARTIAL_SALE, REWARDS, PINE360, PAYBACK SALE Mandatory
4 Transaction Amount Long 0 - 8 Total Transaction amount in paise 800 Mandatory
5 Transaction Id Long 0 - 19 Plutus transaction ID if a card transaction is involved. If TxnId is not available, "ClientID, BatchID, and Roc" must be sent. 30000000100001 Conditional
6 Client Id Long 0 - 6 ID of transacting POS 14782 Conditional
7 Batch Id Long 6 Transaction Batch 9398 Conditional
8 Roc Long 3 - 6 Transaction ROC.
Rang 101 - 999999
172 Conditional
9 Billing Reference Number string 0 - 25 Billing Integration Number TX12345678 Optional
10 PTRN LONG 1 - 8 Plutus Cloud Based Transaction Reference ID 0 Optional
11 Security Token string 1 - 100 Merchant Security Token 511D5FB5-F16D-4CD2-88F2-86A64D8FE Mandatory
12 Host Url string 1 - 100 Host Url https://www.plutuscloudserviceuat.in:8201/api/CloudBasedIntegration/V1/PerformTxnValidation Mandatory

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type String 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction 7001 Mandatory
2 Response Message String 0 - 50 Transaction response message SUCCESS/FAILURE Mandatory
3 Original Transaction Type String 1 Original Transaction type 1-Sale , 2-UPI , 3-Reward, 4-Payback, 5-Pine360 Mandatory
4 Billing Reference Number String 0-25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
5 PTRN Long 1 - 8 Plutus transaction reference number of the uploaded bill 0 Mandatory
6 Host Transaction Number String 1 - 100 Transaction number of the uploaded bill SEQ-513 Mandatory
7 Bank Response Message String 1 - 100 Response message from Bank Success Mandatory
8 Transaction Status String 1 - 50 Status of transaction PASS Mandatory
9 Card Transaction Type String 1 - 100 Type of transaction (Eg. SALE) SALE Mandatory
10 Transaction Date Time String 1 - 100 Date and time of transaction 44910.8428 Mandatory
11 RRN String 0 - 12 Transaction reference number 000020 Mandatory
12 Auth Code String 0 - 6 Transaction auth code 0 Mandatory
13 Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Card acquirer name ICICI Mandatory
14 Transaction Amount String 0 - 8 Transaction amount in paise 100 Mandatory
15 Masked Pan Number String 0 - 19 Masked Card number ************6954 Mandatory
16 Card Holder Name String 0 - 25 Card Holder name VIKASH KUMAR Mandatory
17 Bank Mid String 0 - 15 Bank merchant ID for uploaded bill 0 Mandatory
18 Bank Tid String 0 - 8 Bank Terminal ID for uploaded bill 65743567 Mandatory
19 Batch Number String 6 Batch number 17 Mandatory
20 Invoice Number String 1 - 6 Invoice number for uploaded bill
Range 0 - 999999
59 Mandatory
21 Card Type String 0 - 12 Type of card (Eg. VISA) VISA Mandatory
22 Card Entry Mode String 1 - 5 Card Entry Mode
Range 0 - 32767
CARD_CHIP Mandatory
23 Acquirer Code String 1 - 8 Card acquirer code 2 Mandatory
24 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Name of merchant PINELABS Mandatory
25 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Address of merchant PINELABS Mandatory
26 Merchant City String 0 - 23 City of merchant PINELABS Mandatory
27 Batch Status String 4 or 6 Status of batch (eg. OPEN) OPEN or CLOSE Mandatory
28 Additional Information Tag1 String 1 - 100 AdditionalInfo tag 1 NA Mandatory
29 Additional Information Val1 String 1 - 100 AdditionalInfo value 1 NA Mandatory
30 Additional Information Tag2 String 1 - 100 AdditionalInfo tag 2 NA Mandatory
31 Additional Information Val2 String 1 - 100 AdditionalInfo value 2 NA Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
 — ¹7001,4295203757,SALE,100,30000000100001,14782,9398,172,,,16D9AF9D-9A23-408F-9721-


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™—  Þ7001,SUCCESS,1,TX12345678,0,SEQ-513,SUCCESS,PASS,SALE,21-06-2021 19:35:27 PM,42431270,00,ICICI,1600000,420739******4750,TEST CARD,000000000000000,80012458,33,164,MAESTRO,CARD_CHIP,02,PINELABS,PINELABS,PINELABS,CLOSED,,,,,{

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon


Settlement transaction is used to settle the open batch in the terminal.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types.
Range: 4001-4216
6001 Mandatory

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
31 Settlement Summary (Optional) String - Settlement summary - Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
 — 6001,,,,,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10000:1|10001:ICICI|10050:Pine merchant store|10851:Settlement Report|10051:Rohini Sec 12|10900:Bangalore|10100:07/01/2015|10101:12-12-23|10150:996545454541851|10151:65854178|10200:000010|10901:Details Report|10951:INVOICE NUMBER TRANSACTION TYPE AUTH CODE CARD NUMBER CARD TYPE AMOUNT|11000:10 SALE 000000 ************2802 VISA RS.1000.11|11001:SETTLEMENT COMPLETE|11050:3 RS902.97|11051:0 RS.0.00|11100:0 RS.0.00|11101: RS902.97|11150:0 RS.0.00|11151: RS.0.00|11200:RS.902.97,,,, ICICI,1,11159874,1,2542.00,0,0.00,,ÿ

JSON Request:
        Coming Soon

JSON Response:
        Coming Soon


In integrated mode, wallet payments transactions can be launched directly from external billing/retail applications avoiding the need for dual amount input. Also, the transaction response details are passed to the external application. Transaction completion can be used to automatically link the EFT payment transaction with the billing sale transaction for reconciliation.

Sr. No. Type of Transactions Transaction type CSV Field 1
1 WalletPay 5102
2 WalletLoad 5103
2 WalletVoid 5104

Wallet Pay

A transaction between two parties where the buyer receives goods (tangible or intangible),services and/or assets in exchange for wallet money.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types. Range: 4001-4216 5102 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will only use this value for printing on charge slip. “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT amount Long Integer 1 to 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa). Range: 1 – 99999999 999999 Mandatory
4 Wallet Program ID Integer 1-999 This ID will be assigned by Pine Labs to each wallet program type. While performing any Wallet transaction, this field needs to be set to identify wallet host. For Jio Money, this value will be 101. 101 Optional
5 Wallet Identifier Data(card/ mobile/barcode) String 1 – 76 Mobile/Barcode/Card Number. If not set, terminal will prompt to capture these values. For Jio Money, Barcode needs to be captured at Billing POS and sent in this field. Optional
6 Type of Wallet Input Identifier String 1 – 37 Type of Wallet identifier Contained in Field 4. Mobile Number – 01, Barcode – 02, Swipe - 03 1 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default, it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
10 Operator String 1 – 31 Operator Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 – 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 – 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 – 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 – 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 – 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC(in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID(in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction) Optional
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “30000001” Optional
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used. 0 Optional
12 Remark String 0 – 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization “Failed to dial modem” Optional
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 – 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed “ICICI BANK” Optional
14 Merchant ID String 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “000100090015607” Optional
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 – 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “000000012843” Optional
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry, 1 – Swipe entry, 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated 1 Optional
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name, 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip. 0 Optional
18 Merchant Name String 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “NOBLE MOTORS” Optional
19 Merchant Address String 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “HAJI ALI” Optional
20 Merchant City String 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “MUMBAI” Optional
21 Plutus Version String 0 – 40 Plutus version “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Optional
22 Wallet Code Integer 0 – 999 Wallet Code for which transaction was processed. For Jio Money value will be 101. 101 Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Optional
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 – 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Optional
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 – 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Optional
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24hour format. “210403” Optional
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Optional


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5102,TX12345678, 100,101,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— "123","048668","APPROVED","************7669","9807","CUSTOMER/JIO MONEY", "WALLET","108","9022","10001140","","", "JIO MONEY","100001000000098","014897000526","1","0","RLENOVOStore","Sector 62","NOIDA","v1.0.0","101","","","","","","","100","","","11052015","193848"ÿ

JSON Request:
          Coming Soon

JSON Response:
          Coming Soon

Wallet Load

Wallet load transaction is used to load/top-up the wallet money.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types. Range: 4001-4216 5103 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will only use this value for printing on charge slip. “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT amount Long Integer 1 to 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa). Range: 1 – 99999999 999999 Mandatory
4 Wallet Program ID Integer 1-999 This ID will be assigned by Pine Labs to each wallet program type. While performing any Wallet transaction, this field needs to be set to identify wallet host. For Jio Money, this value will be 101. 101 Optional
5 Wallet Identifier Data(card/ mobile/barcode) String 1 – 76 Mobile/Barcode/Card Number. If not set, terminal will prompt to capture these values. For Jio Money, Barcode needs to be captured at Billing POS and sent in this field. Optional
6 Type of Wallet Input Identifier String 1 – 37 Type of Wallet identifier Contained in Field 4. Mobile Number – 01, Barcode – 02, Swipe - 03 1 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default, it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
10 Operator String 1 – 31 Operator Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 – 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 – 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 – 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 – 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 – 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC(in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID(in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction) Optional
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “30000001” Optional
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used. 0 Optional
12 Remark String 0 – 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization “Failed to dial modem” Optional
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 – 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed “ICICI BANK” Optional
14 Merchant ID String 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “000100090015607” Optional
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 – 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “000000012843” Optional
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry, 1 – Swipe entry, 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated 1 Optional
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name, 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip. 0 Optional
18 Merchant Name String 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “NOBLE MOTORS” Optional
19 Merchant Address String 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “HAJI ALI” Optional
20 Merchant City String 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “MUMBAI” Optional
21 Plutus Version String 0 – 40 Plutus version “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Optional
22 Wallet Code Integer 0 – 999 Wallet Code for which transaction was processed. For Jio Money value will be 101. 101 Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Optional
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 – 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Optional
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 – 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Optional
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24hour format. “210403” Optional
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Optional


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5103,TX12345678, 100,101,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— "123","048668","APPROVED","************7669","9807","CUSTOMER/JIO MONEY", "WALLET","108","9022","10001140","","", "JIO MONEY","100001000000098","014897000526","1","0","RLENOVOStore","Sector 62","NOIDA","v1.0.0","101","","","","","","","100","","","11052015","193848"ÿ

JSON Request:
          Coming Soon

JSON Response:
          Coming Soon

Wallet Void

The Wallet Void transaction is used to reverse a previously approved Wallet Sale transaction.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types. Range: 4001-4216 5104 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will only use this value for printing on charge slip. “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT amount Long Integer 1 to 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa). Range: 1 – 99999999 999999 Mandatory
4 Wallet Program ID Integer 1-999 This ID will be assigned by Pine Labs to each wallet program type. While performing any Wallet transaction, this field needs to be set to identify wallet host. For Jio Money, this value will be 101. 101 Optional
5 Wallet Identifier Data(card/ mobile/barcode) String 1 – 76 Mobile/Barcode/Card Number. If not set, terminal will prompt to capture these values. For Jio Money, Barcode needs to be captured at Billing POS and sent in this field. Optional
6 Type of Wallet Input Identifier String 1 – 37 Type of Wallet identifier Contained in Field 4. Mobile Number – 01, Barcode – 02, Swipe - 03 1 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default, it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
10 Operator String 1 – 31 Operator Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 – 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 – 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 – 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 – 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 – 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC(in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID(in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction) Optional
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “30000001” Optional
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used. 0 Optional
12 Remark String 0 – 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization “Failed to dial modem” Optional
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 – 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed “ICICI BANK” Optional
14 Merchant ID String 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “000100090015607” Optional
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 – 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “000000012843” Optional
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry, 1 – Swipe entry, 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated 1 Optional
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name, 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip. 0 Optional
18 Merchant Name String 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “NOBLE MOTORS” Optional
19 Merchant Address String 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “HAJI ALI” Optional
20 Merchant City String 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “MUMBAI” Optional
21 Plutus Version String 0 – 40 Plutus version “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Optional
22 Wallet Code Integer 0 – 999 Wallet Code for which transaction was processed. For Jio Money value will be 101. 101 Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Optional
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 – 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Optional
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 – 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Optional
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24hour format. “210403” Optional
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Optional


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— )5104,1245,100,,,,,,,,,9023,119,,,,,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— ã"1245","005436","SUCCESS","******6400"," ","","","260","9102","ABCD123466","","","PHONE PE","M2306160483220675579140","","","0","varunstore","jaipur","ADILABAD","v1.0.0","105","","", "","","","","3900","","","04132017","143003"ÿ

JSON Request:
          Coming Soon

JSON Response:
          Coming Soon

Sodexo Sale

A transaction between two parties where the buyer receives goods (tangible or intangible),services and/or assets in exchange for sodexo coupons/Points.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer to the table above Values: 5120, 5121, 5122, 5123 5106 Mandatory
2 Billing ReferenceNumber String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will use this value for only printing on chargeslip only. “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT amount Long Integer 1 – 99999999 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (i.e., in paisa) 999999 Mandatory
4 UPI/BHARAT QR Program ID Integer 1-999 This Id will be assigned by PineLabs to each UPI/BHARAT QR program types. While performing any UPI/BHARAT QR transaction, this field needs to be set to identify UPI/BHARAT QR host. Mandatory
5 UPI/BHARAT QR Identifier Data String 1 – 76 Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 Track2 data of the card or expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360 if Track1 consists of GV or mobile number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. (NA for Sodexo) Optional
7 Invoice number Long integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the invoice number of parent transaction. Mandatory
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE TRUE (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
9 Terminal ID String 1 – 8 RFU (NA for Sodexo) Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Operator (NA for Sodexo) Optional
11 RFU2 String RFU (NA for Sodexo) Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer ID 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the batch id of parent transaction. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 101-999 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the ROC of parent transaction. 201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long integer If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the transaction log of parent transaction. Range: 1-184467440737 123234 (NA for Sodexo) Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency). Range: 1 – 99999999 999999 (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
16 Customer Mobile number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
18 Merchant Mobile Number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from the customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant TRUE (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from the customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from the customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
24 Wallet Program ID Integer 3 This ID will be assigned by Pine labs to each wallet program type. While performing any Wallet transaction, this field needs to be set to identify wallet host. Range: 1-999 3 (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will use this value for only printing on chargeslip only. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 – 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. 5261AJ Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 – 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. APPROVED Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 – 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. ************2802 Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. XXXX Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 – 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. AMIT MOHAN Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 – 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. VISA Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC(in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID(in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction) Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 30000001 Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used. Range: 0 – 99999999 0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 – 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization Failed to dial modem Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 – 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed ICICI BANK Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000100090015607 Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 – 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000000012843 Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated Range: 0 – 32767 1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip. Range: 0 – 32767 0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string NOBLE MOTORS Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string HAJI ALI Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string MUMBAI Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 – 40 Plutus version v1.54 (for ICICI BANK) Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values:
06 – SBI
07 – HSBC
10 – CUB (City Union Bank)
14 – IDBI Bank
17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank)
51- PINE 360
81 – Loyalty Reward
82 – Aimia
85 – SBI Rewards
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. 10000 Mandatory
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points 400.00 Mandatory
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount 1000000 Mandatory
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point 40000.00 Mandatory
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 – 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. 5.50 Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 – 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. 100000 Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 – 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. 02012011 Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24hour format. 210403 Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— *5106,T000150100000332,100,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™—  "T000150100000332","126936","APPROVED","************0065","XXXX","","","101","9127","70000116","0","APPROVED","SODEXO","2341","160111000069","1","1","TestSt reVinit","mayur vihar 3","MEERUT","v.01.00.00","301","","","","","","","","","","07012016","111218"ÿ

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

Sodexo Void

The Sodexo Void transaction is used to reverse a previously approved Sodexo sale transaction.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer to the table above Values: 5120, 5121, 5122, 5123 5107 Mandatory
2 Billing ReferenceNumber String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will use this value for only printing on chargeslip only. “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT amount Long Integer 1 – 99999999 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (i.e., in paisa) 999999 Mandatory
4 UPI/BHARAT QR Program ID Integer 1-999 This Id will be assigned by PineLabs to each UPI/BHARAT QR program types. While performing any UPI/BHARAT QR transaction, this field needs to be set to identify UPI/BHARAT QR host. Mandatory
5 UPI/BHARAT QR Identifier Data String 1 – 76 Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 Track2 data of the card or expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360 if Track1 consists of GV or mobile number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. (NA for Sodexo) Optional
7 Invoice number Long integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the invoice number of parent transaction. Mandatory
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE TRUE (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
9 Terminal ID String 1 – 8 RFU (NA for Sodexo) Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Operator (NA for Sodexo) Optional
11 RFU2 String RFU (NA for Sodexo) Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer ID 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the batch id of parent transaction. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 101-999 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the ROC of parent transaction. 201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long integer If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the transaction log of parent transaction. Range: 1-184467440737 123234 (NA for Sodexo) Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency). Range: 1 – 99999999 999999 (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
16 Customer Mobile number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
18 Merchant Mobile Number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from the customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant TRUE (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from the customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from the customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory
24 Wallet Program ID Integer 3 This ID will be assigned by Pine labs to each wallet program type. While performing any Wallet transaction, this field needs to be set to identify wallet host. Range: 1-999 3 (NA for Sodexo) Mandatory

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will use this value for only printing on chargeslip only. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 – 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. 5261AJ Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 – 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. APPROVED Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 – 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. ************2802 Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. XXXX Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 – 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. AMIT MOHAN Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 – 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. VISA Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC(in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID(in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction) Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 30000001 Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used. Range: 0 – 99999999 0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 – 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization Failed to dial modem Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 – 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed ICICI BANK Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000100090015607 Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 – 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000000012843 Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated Range: 0 – 32767 1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip. Range: 0 – 32767 0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string NOBLE MOTORS Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string HAJI ALI Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string MUMBAI Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 – 40 Plutus version v1.54 (for ICICI BANK) Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values:
06 – SBI
07 – HSBC
10 – CUB (City Union Bank)
14 – IDBI Bank
17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank)
51- PINE 360
81 – Loyalty Reward
82 – Aimia
85 – SBI Rewards
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. 10000 Mandatory
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points 400.00 Mandatory
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount 1000000 Mandatory
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point 40000.00 Mandatory
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 – 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. 5.50 Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 – 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. 100000 Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 – 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. 02012011 Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24hour format. 210403 Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
 — 25107,T000150100000334,3060,,,,,,,,,9001,101,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™—  "T000150100000334","120008","APPROVED","************0065","XXXX","","","105","9127","70000116","0","APPROVED","SODEXO","2341","160111000071","1","1","TestStoreVinit","mayur vihar 3","MEERUT","v.01.00.00","301","","","","","","","","","","07012016","112930"ÿ

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

Sale With/Without Instant Discount

Earlier, when we take payment with the card which is not eligible for instant discount then the device displayed the message as “Instant discount not applicable. Initiate Normal Sale” and the transaction was not completed.
So, new transaction type has been included to complete the Sale transaction irrespective of whether instant discount is applicable or not.


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— *4603,Test123,300000,,,,,,,,,,,,,101,,,,,,,ÿ

Response - When Dicount Applicable

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— X"Test123","00","APPROVED","************4976","XXXX","TEST ME FOURTYNINE","MAESTRO",79,16,"56567568",0,"PROCESSED","HDFC BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANA PURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v1.49.3 MT HDFC BANK",01,"","","","","","101|300000|260000|40000|ICICI Debit","","","","09092020","142904"ÿ

Response - When Dicount Not Applicable

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— ;"Test123","00","APPROVED","************4636","XXXX","UDAY CHOPRA /","MAESTRO",88,16,"56567568",0,"PROCESSED","HDFC BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANA PURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v1.49.3 MT HDFC BANK",01,"","","","","","","","","","09092020","160916"ÿ

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

QC Redemption

A transaction between two parties where the buyer receives goods (tangible or intangible),services and/or assets in exchange for customer Loyalty Points.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
4205 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 1 - 12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory

This transaction has been included to accept QC Gift Card on Pine Labs terminal.


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— ,4205,TXN12345,10000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ÿ

Response - With Card Number

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— 㢔XN12345","23644330","APPROVED","************2918","","","","1","92","5038189","","Success","P INE 360","689","000005942311","","1","","","","Plutus v1.0.0 PINE 360",51,"","","","","","","","23644330","","09042020","131344"ÿ

Response - With Card Swipe

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— "TXN12345","23641377","APPROVED","9999999999932918","","************2918","","1","91","5038 189","","Success","PINE 360","689","000005942304","","1","","","","Plutus v1.0.0 PINE 360",51,"","","","","","52|;9999999999932918=000099909684355?|","","23641377","","09042020","12 0201"ÿ

JSON Request:
    Coming Soon

JSON Response:
    Coming Soon

HDFC Flexipay - PoS (Pay Later)

HDFC Flexipay PoS is a new payment mode under Pine Labs BNPL offering in which customers will get options to choose 15,30,60 and 90 days tenure. HDFC bank’s Debit card customer can avail this facility and pay the amount with interest based on their convenient tenure. In this feature, HDFC Flexipay offers 15 days No Cost Interest to their customers.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
5030 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 1 - 12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5030,TXN123,100000,,,,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— ^"TXN123","00","APPROVED","************2802","XXXX","NITIN PODDAR /","MAESTRO",329,54,"24324325",0,"PROCESSED","HDFC BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANA PURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v1.49.3 MT HDFC BANK",01,"","","","","","119|15|HDFC Debit|99668|100000|332","","","","06302021","185035" ÿ

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

Zest Money

This section will define the request/response packet under integrated mode.

Below are the transaction types under Zest Money:

Sr. No. Type of Transactions Transaction type CSV Field 1
1 Zest Money Invoice Sale 5367
2 Zest Money Product Sale 5370
3 Zest Money Void 5369

  • For Product Sale, OEM for entity needs to be configured using PCUI.
  • New CSV Request/Response are created for new transaction type.

Request Parameters:

CSV Request

Description Bank EMI (Invoice Sale) Brand EMI (Product Sale) Void
Transaction Type 5367 5370 5369
Billing Ref Number TXN1234 TXN1234 TXN1234
Amount 500000 500000 500000
EntityId optional(7, 8) optional(7, 8) optional(7, 8)
BankCode , , ,
Track1 , , ,
Track2 , , ,
Invoice Number , , ,
Card Swipe Required , , ,
Terminal ID , , ,
RFU1 , , ,
Clear PAN , , ,
EDC BatchID , , ,
EDC ROC , , Optional (any txn Roc: 120)
Product Scheme Parameters , , ,
Additional Amount , , ,
Card or MobileNumber , , ,
Card Expiry Date , , ,
Generic Data , , ,
Access Code , , ,
NII , , ,
Reporting Data , , ,
Billing App ID , , ,

  • For Product Sale, OEM for entity needs to be configured using PCUI.
  • New CSV Request/Response are created for new transaction type.

Response Parameters:


Description Bank EMI (Invoice Sale) Brand EMI (Product Sale)
bill num TXN1234, TXN1234,
approval code 00, 00,
response code APPROVED, APPROVED,
card number ******7890, ******7890,
expiry , ,
card holder name , ,
card type , ,
ROC 147, 177,
batch num 9008, 9008,
terminal ID 292386, 292386,
loyalty points awarded , ,
Transaction Acquirer Name ZESTMONEY, ZESTMONEY,
Merchant ID 7263, 7263,
rrn , ,
entry mode Entry Mode : 3, Entry Mode : 3,
Print Cardholder’s Name on receipt , ,
merchant name Utkarsh Merchant 1 Store 1, Utkarsh Merchant 1 Store 1,
merchant address Indirapuram Indirapuram
NBFCV1Details( SchemeCode ROI Tenure EMIAmount LoanAmount DownPayment CashBack) 50795|104500|10months|52426 |5000.00|1660.28|242.50, 20007|180000|3 months|171691|5000.00|35 3.00|0.00,
response code APPROVED, APPROVED,
date 01252022, 01272022,
time 123555, 131052,
Txn Amount 500000, 500000,
product details( Brand Name Product Name Model Name ProductSKUCode ProdIMEINumber SchemeCode ROI Tenure EMIAmount) , APPLE|PHONE(WEB- MOBILE)|I PHONE|PHONE(WEB- MOBILE)||20007|180000|3| 171691

Zest Money - Invoice Sale

"ZestMoney invoice sale" typically refers to a transaction where a customer uses ZestMoney as a payment option to convert their purchase into monthly EMIs.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
5367 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 1 - 12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5367,TXN1234,500000,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— ñTXN1234,00,APPROVED,******7890,,,,147,9008,292386,,INVOICE SALE,ZESTMONEY,7263,,Entry Mode : 3,,Utkarsh Merchant 1 Store 1,Indirapuram,GHAZIABAD,INVOICE SALE,50795|104500|10months|52426|5000.00|1660.28|242.50,APPROVED,01252022,123555,500000,ÿ

JSON Request:
  Coming Soon

JSON Response:
  Coming Soon

Zest Money – Product Sale

ZestMoney product sale allows customers to finance their purchases over time, making it more affordable and accessible, especially for those who may not have access to traditional credit cards or prefer not to use them for online shopping.

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
5370 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 1 - 12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5370,TXN1234,500000,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— 3TXN1234,00,APPROVED,******7890,,,177,9008,292386,,PRODUCT SALE,ZESTMONEY,7263,,Entry Mode : 3,,Utkarsh Merchant 1 Store 1,Indirapuram,GHAZIABAD,PRODUCT SALE,20007|80000|3months|171691|5000.00|353.00|0.00,APPROVED,01272022,131052,500000,APPLE|PHONE(WEB-MOBILE)|IPHONE|PHONE(WEB-MOBILE)||20007|180000|3|171691ÿ

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

Zest Money – Void

The Zest Money Void transaction is used to reverse a previously approved Zest Money transaction.


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— '5369,TXN1234,500000,,,,,,,,,,,147,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— +"txn123"",""000005"",""APPROVED"",""9560312525@ybl"","""","""",""UPI"",""126"",""9075"",""41303201"",""0"",""APPROV ED"","""",""HDFC000000174318"",""005832684752"","""",""0"",""PRABHAT"",""Pinelabs"",""NOIDA"",""v1.0.0"",""19"","""","""" ,"""","""","""","""",""100"","""","""",""02272020"",""163815"ÿ

JSON Request:
  Coming Soon

JSON Response:
  Coming Soon

UPI Sale Request

In integrated mode, UPI transactions can be launched directly from external billing/retail applications – avoiding the need for dual amount input. Also, the transaction response details are passed to the external application. Transaction completion can be used to automatically link the EFT payment transaction with the billing transaction for reconciliation.

Message Format

Request Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/ Optional
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer to the table above. 5120,5121,5122,5123 Mandatory
2 Billing Reference Number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will use this value for only printing on charge slip only. TX12345678 Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 to 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (i.e. in paisa) 999999 Mandatory
4 UPI/BHARAT QR Program ID Integer 1 to 3 This Id will be assigned by PineLabs to each UPI/BHARAT QR program types. While performing any UPI/BHARAT QR transaction this field needs to set to identify P/BHARAT QR host. Mandatory
5 UPI/BHARAT QR Identifier Data String 1 – 76 Optional
6 Type of UPI/BHARAT QR input Identifier String 1 – 37 NA Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the invoice number of parent transaction. Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the batch id of parent transaction. Optional
13 EDC ROC ID Integer 101-999 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the ROC of parent transaction. 201 Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/ Optional
1 Billing Ref ID String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external application TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 0 – 6 Authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. 5261AJ Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 – 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from host. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. APPROVED Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 – 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. ************2802 Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0, 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. XXXX Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 – 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string AMIT MOHAN Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 – 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string UPI Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC Long Integer 0 – 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on chargeslip) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction) Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0, 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 30000001 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 – 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization Failed to dial modem Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 – 48 Name of host to which transaction was routed AXIS UPI Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000100090015607 Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 – 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000000012843 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string NOBLE MOTORS Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string HAJI ALI Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string MUMBAI Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 – 40 Plutus version v1.0.0 Mandatory
22 UPI/Bharat QR Integer 0 – 999 UPI/Bharat QR program type for which transaction was processed. 1 Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 – 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. 100000 Mandatory
32 Date of Transaction String 0/8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format 02012011 Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 /6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24 hour format. 210403 Mandatory
34 Plutus Transaction Id Long Integer 0-19 Transaction Id Generated by PL 30000000100001 Mandatory
38 OrigBillDetails String 0-100 EDCBatchId + "|" + OrigEDCRoc + "|" + OrigBillingRefNumber 9001101PL981445456 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5120, TX12345678,100,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— Ú1245,"002195","SUCCESS",""," ","","UPI","231","9102","ABCD123466","",""," UPI AXIS ","M2306160483220675579140","","","0","varunstore","jaipur","ADILABAD","v1.0.0","3","","","",""," ","","2500","","","04112017","161835"

JSON Request:
  Coming Soon

JSON Response:
  Coming Soon

Bharat QR Sale request

In integrated mode, Bharat QR transactions can be launched directly from external billing/retail applications – avoiding the need for dual amount input. Also, the transaction response details are passed to the external application. Transaction completion can be used to automatically link the EFT payment transaction with the billing transaction for reconciliation.

Message Formate

Request Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/ Optional
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer to the table above. 5123 Mandatory
2 Billing Reference Number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will use this value for only printing on charge slip only. TX12345678 Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 to 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (i.e. in paisa) 999999 Mandatory
4 UPI/BHARAT QR Program ID Integer 1 to 3 This Id will be assigned by PineLabs to each UPI/BHARAT QR program types. While performing any UPI/BHARAT QR transaction this field needs to set to identify P/BHARAT QR host. Mandatory
5 UPI/BHARAT QR Identifier Data String 1 – 76 Optional
6 Type of UPI/BHARAT QR input Identifier String 1 – 37 NA Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the invoice number of parent transaction. Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the batch id of parent transaction. Optional
13 EDC ROC ID Integer 101-999 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the ROC of parent transaction. 201 Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/ Optional
1 Billing Ref ID String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external application TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 0 – 6 Authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. 5261AJ Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 – 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from host. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. APPROVED Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 – 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. ************2802 Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0, 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. XXXX Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 – 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string AMIT MOHAN Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 – 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string UPI Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC Long Integer 0 – 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on chargeslip) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction) Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0, 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 30000001 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 – 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization Failed to dial modem Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 – 48 Name of host to which transaction was routed AXIS UPI Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000100090015607 Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 – 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000000012843 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string NOBLE MOTORS Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string HAJI ALI Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string MUMBAI Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 – 40 Plutus version v1.0.0 Mandatory
22 UPI/Bharat QR Integer 0 – 999 UPI/Bharat QR program type for which transaction was processed. 1 Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 – 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. 100000 Mandatory
32 Date of Transaction String 0/8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format 02012011 Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 /6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24 hour format. 210403 Mandatory
34 Plutus Transaction Id Long Integer 0-19 Transaction Id Generated by PL 30000000100001 Mandatory
38 OrigBillDetails String 0-100 EDCBatchId + "|" + OrigEDCRoc + "|" + OrigBillingRefNumber 9001101PL981445456 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5123, TX12345678,100,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— ڱ245,"002195","SUCCESS",""," ","","UPI","231","9102","ABCD123466","",""," UPI AXIS ","M2306160483220675579140","","","0","varunstore","jaipur","ADILABAD","v1.0.0","3","","","",""," ","","2500","","","04112017","161835"

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

Airtel Sale

The requirement is to enable Airtel Payment Bank Integration through Pine Labs solution. Customer will enter their mobile number and receive an OTP from the bank. Customer will enter the OTP on the terminal and transaction will be completed after successful response received from the host.

Sr. No. Type of Transactions Transaction type CSV Field 1
1 Airtel Sale 5127

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
5127 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 1 - 12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— $5127,T000940100000019,5000,,,,,,,,,,ÿ

Response - a Successful Airtel Bank transaction

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— û"123","000054","APPROVED","","","","Airtel Bank","106","9023","85003","0","APPROVED","AIRTEL BANK","180704","478270","","0","Tata Starbucks Store","Pine Labs Pvt Ltd Noida","Delhi","v1.0.0","11","","","","","","","100","","","09062018","151123”ÿ

Response - a Failed Airtel Bank transaction

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— ("123","","AIRTEL BANK OTP VERIFICATION FAILED","","","","Airtel Bank","105","9023","85003","0","AIRTEL BANK OTP VERIFICATION FAILED","AIRTEL BANK","180704","","","0","Tata Starbucks Store","Pine Labs Pvt Ltd Noida","Delhi","v1.0.0","11","","","","","","","100","","","09062018","150952” ÿ

JSON Request:
        Coming Soon

JSON Response:
        Coming Soon

Amazon Pay Request

In integrated mode, Amazon Pay transactions can be launched directly from external billing/retail applications avoiding the need for dual amount input. Also, the transaction response details are passed to the external application. Transaction completion can be used to automatically link the EFT payment transaction with the billing transaction for reconciliation.


Sr. No. Type of Transactions lTxnType Value
1 Amazon Pay Request 5129
2 Get Status 5122

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types. Range: 4001-4216 5129 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will only use this value for printing on charge slip. “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT amount Long Integer 1 to 99999999 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa). Range: 1 – 99999999 999999 Mandatory
4 Wallet Program ID Integer 1-999 This ID will be assigned by Pine Labs to each wallet program type. While performing any Wallet transaction, this field needs to be set to identify wallet host. For Jio Money, this value will be 101. 101 Optional
5 Wallet Identifier Data(card/ mobile/barcode) String 1 – 76 Mobile/Barcode/Card Number. If not set, terminal will prompt to capture these values. For Jio Money, Barcode needs to be captured at Billing POS and sent in this field. Optional
6 Type of Wallet Input Identifier String 1 – 37 Type of Wallet identifier Contained in Field 4. Mobile Number – 01, Barcode – 02, Swipe - 03 1 Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 Not Applicable 000012
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default, it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1 – 8 Not Applicable
10 Operator String 1 – 31 Operator Optional
11 RFU 2 String 1 – 8 Reserved for future use Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/ Optional
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 – 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. 5261AJ Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 – 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. APPROVED Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 – 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. ************2802 Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. XXXX Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 – 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. AMIT MOHAN Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 – 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. VISA Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip. Range: 0 – 999999/101 – 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction) Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. 30000001 Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used. Range: 0 – 99999999 0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 – 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization Failed to dial modem Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 – 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed ICICI BANK Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000100090015607 Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 – 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string 000000012843 Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry, 1 – Swipe entry, 2 – Chip card entry. Any other value – card not validated. Range: 0 – 32767 1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name, 1 – Print cardholder’s name. Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip. Range: 0 – 32767 0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string NOBLE MOTORS Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string HAJI ALI Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string MUMBAI Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 – 40 Plutus version v1.54 (for ICICI BANK) Mandatory
22 Wallet Code Integer 0 – 999 Wallet Code for which transaction was processed. For Jio Money value will be 101. 101 Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points 400.00 Mandatory
24 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount 1000000 Mandatory
25 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point 40000.00 Mandatory
26 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with | (Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* Mandatory
27 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 – 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. 5.50 Mandatory
28 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 – 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. 100000 Mandatory
29 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. 02012011 Mandatory
30 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. 210403 Mandatory
31 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory
32 PineLabs Batch ID Integer 6 Batch ID of Pine Labs EDC Mandatory
33 PineLabs ROC Integer 45080 ROC of Pine Labs EDC. Range: 101 - 999999 105 Mandatory

CASE 1: If billing application just triggers the transaction without Amazon Pay program ID


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— &5129,TX123,2100,,9455160742,01,,,,,,,,ÿ


There will be 2 cases

CASE 1: Sale charge request is initiated, and sale completion is pending

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— T"TX123","","TRANSACTION INITIATED CHECK GET STATUS","","","","","117","9034","17000063","0","TRANSACTION INITIATED CHECK GET STATUS","AmazonPay","A313HYWQMSX6CT","","","0","Jafri_Store_New_3","Jafri_Store_New_3","NOIDA","v1.0.0","17","","","","","","","100","","","11222019","125505","17000063000508","100","5129",""," 9034|117|TX123"ÿ

CASE 2: Sale charge is complete through callback URL in one step

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— "TX123","000088","APPROVED","","","","","108","9373","","0","APPROVED","AmazonPay","A2XMNOQA N8MC64","6198876-2720619","","0","Aqib Store2","NCR","Delhi","v1.0.0","17","","","","","","","2100","","","07092019","125725","1700000100008 8","","","","9373|108|TX123" ÿ

JSON Request:
    Coming Soon

JSON Response:
    Coming Soon


CASE 1: If billing application just triggers the get status with only Transaction type and amount

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5122, TX12345678,100,,,,,,,ÿ

Note : In this case status of only Last transaction will be given by above CSV. No terminal input is required

CASE 2: If billing application provides batch ID and ROC along with amount and transaction type 5122,1245,100,,,,,,,,,9296,108,,,,,,,,,,,

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— )5122,1245,100,,,,,,,,,9296,108,,,,,,,,,,,ÿ

Note : In this case the transaction will proceed to get status and no terminal input is required


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— "TX123","","DUPLICATE BILL","","","","","108","9373","","0","DUPLICATE BILL","AmazonPay","A2XMNOQAN8MC64","3283095-3209453","","0","Aqib Store2","NCR","Delhi","v1.0.0","17","","","","","","","12100","","","07092019","125105","170000010000 87","","","","9373|104|"ÿ

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

Paper PoS

In Integration mode, Paper PoS charge slip can be launched directly from external billing/retail applications avoiding the need for multiple time selection of transaction charge slip printing. Also, the transaction response details are passed to the external application. Transaction charge slip completion can be used to automatically link the EFT payment transaction with the billing application transaction.

Sr. No. Type of Transactions lTxnType Value
1 Paper POS Print 5568
2 Paper POS RePrint 5569

Parameters Used in Paper Pos :
a) Txn Hat – Paper Pos Print/Reprint Transaction Hat
b) Billing Reference Number – Merchant Invoice number
c) Amount – Transaction Amount
d) Host Type – Unused
e) Entry Mode Data - PaperPos ID
f) Entry Mode - 5 (Last Y Mins Txns), 6 (Last N Txns).

CASE 1: If billing application just triggers the request without Paper PoS ID


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5568,TXN123,100,,,,,,ÿ

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

Note: In this case, there will be a menu selection prompted on terminal with values: Last Y Minutes Txns/Last N Minutes txns . 2 cases will be present.

Case A: User selects Last Y minutes transaction. In this case, only required Transaction selection should be done under option.

Case B: User selects Last N Number transaction. In this case, only required Transaction selection should be done under option.

CASE 2: Paper PoS ID is present in csv string


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5568,TXN123,100,,728583,5,,,ÿ


There will be 3 cases:

CASE 1: Paper PoS Print charge slip with entry mode 5 response successful.

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— +"txn123"",""000005"",""APPROVED"",""9560312525@ybl"","""","""",""UPI"",""126"",""9075"",""41303201"",""0"",""APPROV ED"","""",""HDFC000000174318"",""005832684752"","""",""0"",""PRABHAT"",""Pinelabs"",""NOIDA"",""v1.0.0"",""19"","""","""" ,"""","""","""","""",""100"","""","""",""02272020"",""163815"ÿ

CASE 2: Paper PoS Print charge slip with entry mode 6 response successful.

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— txn002","000004","APPROVED","8602579721@ybl","","","UPI","114","9075","41303201","0","APPROV ED","","HDFC000000174318","005822103166","","0","PRABHAT","Pinelabs","NOIDA","v1.0.0","19","","" ,"","","","","100","","","02272020"ÿ

CASE 3: Paper PoS Print charge slip response when “TXN NOT FOUND”.

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— »txn002","","TXN NOT FOUND","","","","UPI","107","9075","","0","TXN NOT FOUND","","","","","0","PRABHAT","Pinelabs","NOIDA","v1.0.0","19","","","","","","","100","","","022720 20","115242"ÿ

JSON Request:
      Coming Soon

JSON Response:
      Coming Soon

PAPER POS Entry Mode Id
PRINT/REPRINT[Last Y Minutes txns] 5
PRINT/REPRINT[Last N Number txns] 6


In integrated mode, Twid transactions can be launched directly from external billing/retail applications avoiding the need for dual amount input. Also, the transaction response details are passed to the external application. Transaction completion can be used to automatically link the EFT payment transaction with the billing transaction for reconciliation.


Sr. No. Type of Transactions lTxnType Value
1 Twid Sale 5131
2 Get Status 5122
2 Void 5121

Message Format

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample Value Mandatory/
1 Transaction Type Long Integer 4 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer the Transaction Types
Range: 4001-4216
5131 Mandatory
2 Billing reference number String 0 – 25 Transaction reference number from external “TX12345678” Optional
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer 0 - 8 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
Range: 1-99999999
999999 Mandatory
4 Bank Code String 1 – 2 The bank code to which transaction will be routed 1 Optional
5 Track 1 data/Card PAN Number String 1 – 76 Track1 data of the card or Card number if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Optional
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date String 1 – 37 "Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty then Plutus will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual - 03" Optional
7 Invoice Number Long Integer 1 – 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 12 Optional
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE or FALSE By default it is TRUE. TRUE Optional
9 Terminal ID String 1-8 Reserved for future use Optional
10 Operator String 1-31 Reserved for future use Optional
11 RFU2 String Reserved for future use Optional
12 EDC Batch ID Integer 6 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition. Optional
13 EDC ROC Integer 3 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc of parent transition.
Range: 101-999
201 Optional
14 Transaction log ID Long Integer 1 - 12 If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Transaction log of parent transition.
Range: 1-184467440737
123234 Optional
15 Reward\Cash amount Long Integer 1 – 8 Amount to be paid by reward points or in cash in paise (or in lowest currency)
Range: 1 – 99999999
999999 Optional
16 Customer Mobile Number String 1 – 100 Customer mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
17 Customer email id(s) String 1 – 500 Customer email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
18 Merchant mobile number(s) String 1 – 100 Merchant mobile number if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. 9900000000|8800000000 Optional
19 Merchant email id(s) String 1 – 500 Merchant email Id if required to be captured. Can be used for sending SMS for charge slip. If there are more than one value pipe separated format can be used. abc@xyz.com|efg@xyz.com Optional
20 Consent to send charge slip on customer mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number(s). TRUE Optional
21 Consent to send charge slip on customer email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant has taken consent from customer for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional
22 Consent to send charge slip on merchant mobile number(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her mobile number. TRUE Optional
23 Consent to send charge slip on merchant email id(s) String TRUE or FALSE By default, this is FALSE. If this parameter is set as TRUE, it is assumed that the merchant gives consent for sending charge slip on his/her email id(s). TRUE Optional

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Length Description Sample
1 Billing Reference Number String 0 - 25 Transaction reference number from external application. TX12345678 Mandatory
2 Approval Code String 1 - 6 Credit card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “5261AJ” Mandatory
3 Host Response String 0 - 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED” Mandatory
4 Card Number String 0 - 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “************2802” Mandatory
5 Expiration Date String 0 or 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked, in that case a value of “XXXX” will be returned. “XXXX” Mandatory
6 Cardholder’s Name String 0 - 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present on Track 1. Otherwise, empty string. “AMIT MOHAN” Mandatory
7 Card Type String 0 - 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “VISA” Mandatory
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 6 EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip). Range 0 - 999999 / 101 - 999 (in case of Reward Transaction) 78/101 Mandatory
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction). Mandatory
10 Terminal ID String 0 or 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “30000001” Mandatory
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long 0 - 8 RFU – not used.
Range: 0 – 99999999
0 Mandatory
12 Remark String 0 - 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization. “Failed to dial modem” Mandatory
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String 0 - 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed. “ICICI BANK” Mandatory
14 Merchant ID String 0 - 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000100090015607” Mandatory
15 Retrieval Reference Number String 0 - 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “000000012843” Mandatory
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated
Range: 0 – 32767
1 Mandatory
17 Print Cardholder's Name on receipt Integer 0 - 5 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip.
Range: 0 – 32767
0 Mandatory
18 Merchant Name String 0 - 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “NOBLE MOTORS” Mandatory
19 Merchant Address String 0 - 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “HAJI ALI” Mandatory
20 Merchant City String 0 - 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string. “MUMBAI” Mandatory
21 Plutus Version String 0 - 40 Plutus version. “v1.54 (for ICICI BANK)” Mandatory
22 Acquiring Bank Code Integer 0 - 999 Code for bank used for processing transaction. Enumeration of possible values: 01 – HDFC BANK, 02 – ICICI BANK, 03 – AMERICAN EXPRESS, 04 – CITIBANK, 05 – AXIS BANK, 06 – SBI, 07 – HSBC, 09 – CORP BANK, 10 – CUB (City Union Bank), 14 – IDBI Bank, 17 – LVB (Lakshmi Vilas Bank), 51 - PINE 360, 301 - Sodexo, 81 – Loyalty Reward, 82 – Aimia, 85 – SBI Rewards Mandatory
23 Reward Redeemed Amount Long Integer 0 - 10 Redeemed Amount in Paisa or in lowest currency. “10000” Optional
24 Reward Redeemed Points Double 0 - 15 Redeemed Points. “400.00” Optional
25 Reward Balance Amount String 0 - 10 Balance Amount. “1000000” Optional
26 Reward Balance Points Double 0 - 15 Balance Point. “40000.00” Optional
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String Charge slip data in form of tag and value separated with : and new pair separated with |*(Only present if charge slip data on merchant is enabled) Charge slip print data in tag value format(Optional)* Mandatory
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String 0 - 23 Card Processing Fee in Rs (decimal) Or Coupon Code. Coupon code is the value which will be coming as a response to voucher redemption. This field will be present in case of voucher redemption. Or Loyalty number fetched if the transaction type is 4301. “5.50” Mandatory
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String 0 - 99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “100000” Mandatory
30 RFU3 String 0 - 23 Reserved for future use Mandatory
31 RFU String Specific for merchant Alhanumeric Optional
32 Date of Transaction String 0 - 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format. “02012011” Mandatory
33 Time of Transaction String 0 - 6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24-hour format. “210403” Mandatory
34 PineLabs Client ID Integer 0 - 6 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345 Mandatory

Twid Sale

Twid sale request (Transaction done on call back URL).


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— %5131,TX123,100,,8853941659,01,,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— "TX123","000124","APPROVED","","","","","102","9116","210000016","0","APPROVED","twid","14790", "36916","","0","Harpreet store","tttttt87iuyo","SRIDUNGARGARH","v1.0.0","21","","","","","","","100","","","07072020","192551" ,"210000016000124","","","","9116|102|TX123" ÿ

JSON Request:
    Coming Soon

JSON Response:
    Coming Soon

CASE 2: Twid sale request(if the payment successful on app and time out occurs on EDC machine).


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— %5131,TX123,100,,8853941659,01,,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— @"TX123","","TRANSACTION INITIATED CHECK GET STATUS","","","","","105","9116","210000016","0","TRANSACTION INITIATED CHECK GET STATUS","twid","14790","","","0","Harpreet store","tttttt87iuyo","SRIDUNGARGARH","v1.0.0","21","","","","","","","100","","","07072020","203630" ,"210000016000127","","","","9116|105|TX123" ÿ

JSON Request:
     Coming Soon

JSON Response:
     Coming Soon

Twid Getstatus:


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— )5122,1245,100,,,,,,,,,9023,119,,,,,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— "1245","000128","APPROVED","","","","","114","9116","210000016","0","APPROVED","twid","14790"," 36919","","0","Harpreet store","tttttt87iuyo","SRIDUNGARGARH","v1.0.0","21","","","","","","","100","","","07072020","210014" ,"210000016000128","","","","9116|113|TX123" ÿ

JSON Request:
    Coming Soon

JSON Response:
    Coming Soon

CASE 3:Twid Void request


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— *5121,TX123,100,,,,,,,,,9108,106,,,,,,,,,,,ÿ


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— ™™— "TX123","000129","APPROVED","","","","","115","9116","210000016","0","APPROVED","twid","14790", "36919","","0","Harpreet store","tttttt87iuyo","SRIDUNGARGARH","v1.0.0","21","","","","","","","100","","","07072020","210251" ,"210000016000129","","","","9116|114|TX123"ÿ

JSON Request:
    Coming Soon

JSON Response:
    Coming Soon

Insurance and CCF


As part of our ICB & ISV offering to make the purchase more affordable, customer benefits from cashback and subvented offers. To sustain this benefit, a charge called as Instant Discount Charge is being charged to the customer who avails this benefit. This fee would be added as part of the purchase transaction.


For the products sold on Brand EMI @Pineabs POS machine, merchants can use the existing Brand EMI flow to offer different Protection plans to customers. Plan purchased will be converted to same EMI tenure selected for product purchased. This program is launched in partnership with leading insurance/service provider across India.

Response Parameters
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Range/
Description Sample
50 Insurer Name String 15 Name of the Insurer Acko
51 Insurer Type String 15 Plan selected of the insurer Acko_EW
52 Insurer Tenure String 10 Tensure of the Insurance 3 Months
53 Insurance Amount Double (Upto 2 decimal Points) Insurance Amount 500
54 CCF Amount Double (Upto 2 decimal Points) Customer Convenience Fee amount 143.67
55 GST on CCF Double (Upto 2 decimal Points) GST on CCF 25.86
56 Total CCF Amount (with GST) Double (Upto 2 decimal Points) Total Customer Convenience fee amount 169.53

Sample Request String

Brand EMI

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon

When brand emi with insurance and without CCF

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— "invoice123","00","APPROVED","************5742","XXXX","500766 VISA DEBITCARD /","VISA",28,13,"36381430",0,"PROCESSED","ICICI BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANAKPURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v2.12 MT ICICI BANK",02,"","","","","","106|3|ICICI Debit|810009|274515|90000|5514|66246|244|SAMSUNG MONITOR|45347845|LCD|brandEmi123|9999999999","","","","02022024","112528","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","Acko","EW_Acko","1 Months",0.09,0.00,0.00,0.00ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon

Brand EMI without Insurance and CCF

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— "invoice123","00","APPROVED","************5742","XXXX","500766 VISA DEBITCARD /","VISA",30,13,"36381430",0,"PROCESSED","ICICI BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANAKPURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v2.12 MT ICICI BANK",02,"","","","","","106|3|ICICI Debit|810000|274512|90000|5514|66246|244|SAMSUNG MONITOR|45347845|LCD|brandEmi123|9999999999","","","","02022024","121525","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon

Brand EMI without Insurance and with CCF

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— "invoice123","00","APPROVED","************5742","XXXX","500766 VISA DEBITCARD /","VISA",30,13,"36381430",0,"PROCESSED","ICICI BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANAKPURI","NEW DELHI DEL", "Plutus v2.12 MT ICICI BANK",02,"","","","","","106|3|ICICI Debit|810000|274512|90000|5514|66246|244|SAMSUNG MONITOR|45347845|LCD|brandEmi123|9999999999","","","","02022024","121525","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",0.00,143.67,25.86,169.53ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon

Brand EMI with Insurance and CCF

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— "invoice123","00","APPROVED","************5742","XXXX","500766 VISA DEBITCARD /","VISA",30,13,"36381430",0,"PROCESSED","ICICI BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANAKPURI","NEW DELHI DEL ", "Plutus v2.12 MT ICICI BANK",02,"","","","","","106|3|ICICI Debit|810000|274512|90000|5514|66246|244|SAMSUNG MONITOR|45347845|LCD|brandEmi123|9999999999","","","","02022024","121525","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","Acko","EW_Acko","1 Months",0.09,143.67,25.86,169.53ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon

Bank EMI Txn


Sample Request String


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5101,CsvBankEmi,900000,,,,,,,,,,,0|0||||3|||,,,,ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon
Sample Response String
HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— "CsvBankEmi","00","APPROVED","************5742","XXXX","500766 VISA DEBITCARD /","VISA",29,13,"36381430",0,"PROCESSED","ICICI BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANAKPURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v2.12 MT ICICI BANK",02,"","","","","","105|3|ICICI Debit|870000|294846|30000","","","","02022024","114503","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00ÿ

Sale Txn


Sample Request String


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 4001,TX12345678,900000,,,,,,,ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon
Sample Response String
HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— "TX12345678","00","APPROVED","************5742","XXXX","500766 VISA DEBITCARD /","VISA",30,20,"36381420",0,"PROCESSED","ICICI BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANAKPURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v2.12 MT ICICI BANK",02,"","","","","","","","","","02022024","115423","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00ÿ


Zomato, a leading Food delivery company in India wants to integrate with PineLabs for their Restaurant Dining Payment experience. Objective of this integration is to solve the transaction reconciliation once the transaction is completed on Zomato app.

Request CSV Structure
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Range/
Description Sample
1 lTxnType Long Integer 4001-4216 Transaction request type to Plutus application. for Zomato Pay it is 5137. 1
2 Billing Reference Number String Length: 0 – 25 OPTIONAL Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will only use this value for printing on charge slip. 2
3 Bill Amount Long Integer Length: 1 - 99999999 Bill Amount 3
33 Auth Code Integer Length: 4 OPTIONAL Auth Code for Zomato Transaction. 33

Sample Request/Response String

Request CSV

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5137,TX0000001,201450ÿ

Response CSV

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— "TX0000001","543445","APPROVED","2986543445","","","161160","102","9088","10002010","0","APPROVED","40290","A3W17FVIWXD25S","6291","","0", "Utkarsh Merchant 1 Store 1","Indirapuram","GHAZIABAD","v1.0.0","31","","","","","","","201450","","","02022024","235739","10111120432540","","","","9088|102|TX0000001"ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon

Request CSV with field 33


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5137,TX0000003,201450,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6291ÿ

Response CSV

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
™™— "TX0000003","543445","APPROVED","2986543445","","","161160","104","9088","10002010","0","APPROVED","40290","A3W17FVIWXD25S","6291","","0", "Utkarsh Merchant 1 Store 1","Indirapuram","GHAZIABAD","v1.0.0","31","","","","","","","201450","","","02032024","000852","10111120432542","","","","9088|104|TX0000003"ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon

Response CSV Structure

Following fields are specific for Zomato:

1. Auth Code in Request (field 33)

2. Zomato Txn ID (field 4)

3. Bill Amount (Total Invoice Amount) (field 29)

4. Discount Amount (field 13)

5. Amount Received (Field 7)

Request CSV Structure
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Range/
Description Sample
1 Approval Code String Length: 0 – 25 OPTIONAL Transaction reference number from external application. “TX0000003”
2 Billing Reference Number String Length: 0 – 6 Last Six Digits of Zomato Transaction ID. Empty Value means Transaction has failed. “543445”
3 Host Response String Length: 0 – 50 Response string received from Zomato. “APPROVED”
4 Zomato Transaction ID String Length: 0 – 19 Zomato Transaction ID. missing value means Transaction has failed. "2986543445"
5 Empty Empty Empty Empty “”
6 Empty Empty Empty Empty “”
7 Amount Received Long Integer 0 - 19 Amount Received "161160"
8 Invoice Number Integer Length: 10 Invoice Number "102"
9 Batch Number Integer Length:10 Batch Number "9088"
10 Terminal ID String 0 - 10 Terminal ID "10002010"
11 Zero Zero Zero Zero "0"
12 Response Code String Length: 0 – 50 Response Code “APPROVED”
13 Discount Amount Long Integer Length: 0 – 19 Discount Amount “40290”
14 Merchant ID String Length: 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “000100090015607”
15 Auth Code Integer 4 Auth Code "6291"
16 Empty Empty Empty Empty ""
17 Zero Zero Zero Zero "0"
18 Merchant Name String Length: 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “LOVE COMMUNICATION"
19 Merchant Address String Length: 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “JANA PURI”
20 Merchant City String Length: 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “NEW DELHI DEL”
21 Plutus Version String Length: 0 – 40 Plutus version “Plutus v1.49.3 MT HDFC BANK”
22 Acquirer Code Integer 0 – 2 Acquirer Code - Zomato Pay 31 "31"
23 Empty Empty Empty Empty ""
24 Empty Empty Empty Empty ""
25 Empty Long Integer Empty Empty ""
26 Empty Empty Empty Empty ""
27 Empty Empty Empty Empty ""
28 Empty Empty Empty Empty ""
29 Bill Amount Long Integer Length: 0 –19 Bill Amount “201450"
30 Empty Empty Empty Empty ""
31 Empty Empty Empty Empty ""
32 Transaction Date Date Length: 0/8 Transaction Date MMDDYYYY "02022024"
33 Transaction Time Time Length: 0/ 8 Transaction Time HHMMSS “235739”
34 Plutus Transaction Id Long Integer Length 0-19 Transaction Id Generated by PL "10111120432540"
35 Empty Empty Empty Empty ""
36 Empty Empty Empty Empty ""
37 Empty Empty Empty Empty ""
38 Batch_ID |Invoice_ID | bill_number String Length 0-40 Batch_ID|Invoice_ID|bill_number "9088|102|TX0000001"

Flipkart Supercoin Partial Sale

Flipkart Supercoins wants to leverage our POS network to allow Flipkart Supercoins points redemption and earn to its customers while transacting on Pine Labs POS of a partner merchant.

Request CSV Structure
Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Range/
1 lTxnType Long Integer 4001-4216 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer to the table above
2 Billing Reference Number String Length: 0 – 25 OPTIONAL Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will only use this value for printing on charge slip.
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer Length: 1 - 99999999 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa)
4 Bank Code String Length: 1-2 OPTIONAL The bank code to which transaction will be routed. Optional in case of sale transaction if Automatic Acquirer Selection is chosen
5 Track 1 data / Card Pan Number/Barcode/ Mobile Number String Length: 1 – 76 OPTIONAL Track1 data of the card or Card Number/Barcode number if manual entry. If empty e/Mobile, then PADController will ask for card number input. For Pine 360, this field can accommodate mobile number or barcode of Gift voucher.

Sample Request String

Request CSV

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 4123,66668889,10000,,,,,,,8826897840,,,ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon

Response CSV Structure

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Range/
Description Sample Value
1 Billing reference number String Length: 0 – 25 OPTIONAL Transaction reference number from external application. “66668889”
2 Approval Code String Length: 0 – 6 Credit Card authorization code, if transaction was approved. Otherwise empty string. Presence of non-zero length approval code string indicates successful authorization of transaction. This logic holds true for Pine 360 transactions as well. “00”
3 Host Response String Length: 0 – 50 Response string if a response for transaction was received from bank switch. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “APPROVED”
4 Card Number String Length: 0 – 19 Card number is valid if card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. "************7665"
5 Expiration Date String Length: 0, 4 Card expiration date, expressed in format YYMM, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. Some acquirers mandate Expiry date to be masked. “XXXX”
6 Cardholder’s Name String Length: 0 – 25 Cardholder’s name from card track 1, if valid card was swiped and card holder name present. Otherwise, empty string. “TEST1007 /”
7 Card Type String Length: 0 – 12 Card association name, if valid card was swiped. Otherwise, empty string “MAESTRO”
8 Invoice Number/EDC ROC (in case of Reward Transaction) Long Integer 0 - 999999/101– 999 (in case of Reward Transactions) EFT transaction invoice number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC ROC (the same is printed on charge slip) 42
9 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward Transaction) Integer Length: 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction) 12
10 Terminal ID String Length: 0, 8 EFT TID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “69767976”
11 Loyalty Points Awarded Long Integer. 0 - 99999999 RFU – not used 0.
12 Remark String Length: 0 – 100 Description of error, if an error occurs. Otherwise, empty string. An empty string in this field DOES NOT imply successful transaction authorization “PROCESSED”
13 Transaction Acquirer Name String Length: 0 – 48 Name of acquirer to which transaction was routed “HDFC BANK”
14 Merchant ID String Length: 0 – 15 EFT ME ID, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “000100090015607”
15 Retrieval Reference Number String Length: 0 – 12 EFT RRN, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “000000000020”
16 Card Entry Mode Integer 0 – 32767 Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Manual entry 1 – Swipe entry 2 – Chip card entry Any other value – card not validated 2
17 Print Cardholder’s Name on receipt Integer 0 – 32767 Use this value only if Billing application is printing the charge slip. Enumeration of possible values: 0 – Do not print cardholder’s name 1 – Print cardholder’s name Any other value – card not validated. This is used if external application is to print Plutus charge slip. 1
18 Merchant Name String Length: 0 – 23 Merchant name, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “LOVE COMMUNICATION"
19 Merchant Address String Length: 0 – 23 Merchant address line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “JANA PURI”
20 Merchant City String Length: 0 – 23 Merchant city line, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, empty string “NEW DELHI DEL”
21 Plutus Version String Length: 0 – 40 Plutus version “Plutus v1.49.3 MT HDFC BANK”
22 Bank Code /UPI/Bharat QR Integer 0 – 999 Bank Code /UPI/Bharat QR for which transaction was processed. 1
23 Redeemed Amount Long Integer Length 0-10 Redeemed Amount 2500
24 Redeemed Point Double Length 0-15 Redeemed Point 25
25 Balance Amount Long Integer Length: 0 –10 Balance Amount 0
26 Balance Points Double Length: 0 –15 Balance Points 0
27 Charge slip print data in tag value format (Optional)* String 0 – 32767 Not Applicable “Not Applicable"
28 RFU1/Coupon code/Loyalty Card Number String Length: 0 –23 Not Applicable “Not Applicable"
29 Amount processed successfully by Plutus/ Amount Loaded on cards or wallets/amount voided/Amount loaded on cards/wallets String Length: 0 –99 Amount will always be in paisa or lowest currency. “10000”
30 RFU3 String Length: 0 –23 Reserved for future use Reserved for future use
31 RFU4 String Length: 0 –40 Not Applicable Not Applicable
32 Date of Transaction String Length: 0/ 8 Date of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Date to be printed on charge slip. In MMDDYYYY Format “11212023”
33 Time of Transaction String Length: 0 /6 Time of the Transaction as per acquiring host. Time to be printed on charge slip. HHMMSS where HH in 24 hour format. “124509”
34 Plutus Transaction Id Long Integer Length 0-19 Transaction Id Generated by PL 4295209144
35 Other Amount String Length 0-40 Other Amount 7500
36 Transaction Type String Length 0-40 Transaction Type 4123
37 Card Entry Type String Length 0-40 Card Entry Type CARD_CHIP
38 OrigBillDetails String Length 0-100 EDCBatchId + "|" + OrigEDCRoc + "|" + OrigBillingRefNumber "9001|101|66668889”
39 RFU String Length 0-40 Not Applicable Not Applicable
40 Wallet/Reward Transaction ID String Length 0-40 Wallet/Reward Transaction ID 123455

Sample CSV Responses:



Reponse CSV:

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— "66668889","00","APPROVED","************7665","XXXX","TEST1007 /","MAESTRO",42,12,"69767976",0,"PROCESSED","HDFC BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANA PURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v1.49.3 MT HDFC BANK",01,"2500","25","0","0","","",10000,"","","11212023","124509","4295209144","7500","4123","CARD_CHIP","","","123455"ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon


Reponse CSV:

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— "66668889","00","APPROVED","************7665","XXXX","TEST1007 /","MAESTRO",43,12,"69767976",0,"PROCESSED","HDFC BANK"," ","000000000020",2,1,"LOVE COMMUNICATION","JANA PURI","NEW DELHI DEL ","Plutus v1.49.3 MT HDFC BANK",01,"0","0","0","0","","",10000,"","","11212023","131401","4295209146","10000","4123","CARD_CHIP","","","123455"ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon



HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— "66668889","004879","APPROVED","69947878527@paytm","","","UPI","126","9278","5651","0","APPROVED", "ICICI UPI","12345678","124107501581","","0","paxstore Testing","sec 04","ARAGA","v1.0.0","4","700","7","0","0","", "",7000,"","","11222023","144829","85082021004879","","4123","","9278|126|66668889","","123455"ÿ

JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— "66668889","004880","APPROVED","69947878527@paytm","","","UPI","127","9278","5651","0","APPROVED","ICICI UPI","12345678","124107501581","","0", "paxstore Testing","sec 04","ARAGA","v1.0.0","4","0","0","0","0","","",7000,"","","11222023","145120","85082021004880","","4123","","9278|127|66668889","","123455"ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon



HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— "66668889","123455","APPROVED"," ********"," ","","","128","9278","0","","APPROVED","FLIPKART SUPERCOINS","11276","","", "0","paxstore Testing","sec 04","ARAGA","v1.0.0","112","700","7","0","0","","",7000,"","","11222023","145420","","","4123","","","","123455"ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon


HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— "66668889","123455","APPROVED"," ********"," ","","","129","9278","0","","APPROVED","FLIPKART SUPERCOINS","11276","","","0", "paxstore Testing","sec 04","ARAGA","v1.0.0","112","0","0","0","0","","",7000,"","","11222023","145648","","","4123","","","","123455"ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon

We can check the Pay By Link Transaction status in Integration Mode as well. "5033" is the new txn type for Pay By Link Get Status.

Below are Pay By Link Get Status Request/Response details-

Following is the format of the request CSV. The external application will set these values.

Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Range/
Description Sample
1 lTxnType Long Integer 4001-4216 Transaction request type to Plutus application. Please refer to the table above 5033
2 Billing Reference Number String Length: 1 – 10 OPTIONAL Transaction reference number from external application. Plutus will only use this value for printing on charge slip. “TX12345678”
3 Total EFT Amount Long Integer Length: 1 - 99999999 Amount to be charged to card – expressed as a whole number in lowest currency unit (ie. in paisa) 999999
4 Bank Code String Length: 1 – 2 OPTIONAL The bank code to which transaction will be routed. Optional in case of sale transaction if Automatic Ac.quirer Selection is chosen 01
5 Track 1 data / Card Pan Number/Barcode/ Mobile Number String Length: 1 – 76 OPTIONAL Track1 data of the card or Card Number/Barcode number if manual entry. If empty e/Mobile,then PADController will ask for card number input. For Pine 360, this field can accommodate mobile number or barcode of Gift voucher.
6 Track 2 data / Expiry date/ Card Mode String Length: 1 – 37 OPTIONAL Track2 data of the card or Expiry date if manual entry. If empty, then PADController will ask for card input. Expiry date is in YYMM format. In case of Pine 360, if Track 1 consists of mobile or GV number, this field will indicate the card entry mode. Mobile Number – 01 Barcode – 02 Manual Entry - 03
7 Invoice number Long Integer Length: 1 – 6 OPTIONAL If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Invoice number of parent transition. 000012
8 Is Swipe entry String TRUE/FALSE OPTIONAL By default, it is TRUE TRUE
9 Terminal ID String Length: 1 – 8 OPTIONAL Reserved for future use
10 Operator String Length:1-31 OPTIONAL
11 RFU2 String OPTIONAL Reserved for future use
12 EDC Batch ID Integer Length: 6 OPTIONAL If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Batch Id of parent transition.
13 EDC ROC Integer 101-999 OPTIONAL If independent transaction, then it is not required. Else in case of dependent transaction, it is the Roc Id of parent transition. 201
14 Pay By Link Reference Id Long Integer 1- 18446744073 7 Pay By Link reference ID required to identify PBL transaction. 123234

Sample Request String

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— 5033, , 650000,,,,,,,,,,,2374ÿ
JSON Request:
                    Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                    Coming Soon


Sample Response string

HEX String Format
ASCII Format
— "2374","00","APPROVED","******6517","PAY BY LINK TXN","104","9040","350368"ÿ
JSON Request:
                      Coming Soon  

JSON Response:
                Coming Soon


Position in CSV Field Name Data Type Range/
Description Sample
1 Pay By Link Reference Id Numeric Length: 0 – 15 Pay By Link reference ID “2374”
2 Response Code Numeric Length: 0 – 2 Response code, if transaction was approved. 00 -success Other than 00 - Failure
3 Pay By Link Status String Length: 0 – 20 Response string if a response for transaction was received from host. Otherwise, if any error occurs before response is received, this is an empty string. “INITIATED, APPROVED, SETTLED, VOIDED, REVERSED, CANCELLED”
4 Customer last Four Digit Mobile Number/Card No String Length: 0 – 19 Card number/Mobile number is valid if no.card/mobile was swiped. Otherwise, empty string. “438624***** *2802" / ******6517
5 Txn Type String Length: 0 –12 Value is always same. “PAY BY LINK TXN”
6 EDC ROC Integer 0-999 EDC ROC (the same is printed on chargeslip) “101” ”299”
7 Batch Number/EDC Batch ID Integer Length: 6 EFT transaction batch number, if transaction authorized. Otherwise, 0/EDC Batch ID (in case of Reward transaction) “9040”
8 PineLabs Client ID Integer Length 0 - 8 Unique ID assigned to Pine Labs EDC. 12345


Below are the details of Error code, Transaction type, and Function codes supported by the Payment Application. This section also covers the sub tag values received in specific special fields (27 & 31) in transaction response.

Error Code & Messages

Error Code Error Message
-1000 Response Timeout
-1001 Network Error
-1002 Invalid Message Format
-1003 Unable to send
-1004 Terminal Busy
-1005 Comms Error
-1006 Destination Error
-1007 Power Failure
-1008 IP not configured
-1009 Port not configured
-1010 Invalid IP
-1011 Invalid Port
-1012 Connection lost

Transaction Types

Below is the list of Transaction types supported by Payment Application on Android device.

Type of Transaction Function Code
Sale Transaction 4001
Refund Transaction 4002
Tip Adjust Transaction 4015
Adjust Transaction 4005
Void Transaction 4006
Pre Auth Transaction 4007
Sale Complete Transaction 4008
Reward Redemption 4101
Reward Void 4102
Reprint 4504
Settlement 6001
WalletPay 5102
WalletLoad 5103
WalletVoid 5104
Sodexo Sale 5106
Sodexo Void 5107
Brand EMI Transaction 5002
Bank EMI Transaction 5101
EMI as Single Txn Type for Brand & Bank EMI 5005
Sale With/Without Instant Discount 4603
QC Redemption 4205
HDFC Flexipay - POS (Pay Later) 5030
Zest Money - Invoice Sale 5367
Zest Money – Product Sale 5370
Zest Money – Void 5369
UPI Sale Request 5120
Bharat QR Sale request 5123
Paytm Sale 5125
Airtel Sale 5127
Google Pay Sale 5126
PayPal Sale 5554
Amazon Pay Request 5129
Paper POS Print 5568
Twid Sale 5131

Function Codes

Payment application processes the transactions based on the function codes listed below.

Function Code Comment
Do Transaction 0x0997 All the financial transactions shall set this function code in request
Set Connection 0x0998 Not required for direct connection over COM/Serial
Run PVM 0x0999
Main Node 0x0996
Response Do Transaction 0x1997 Payment application will send this function code in financial transaction response

Charge Slip Print data in tag Value Format

Below is the list of Tags and description of values received in transaction response CSV position 27.

Tag Description
10001 Bank Name
10050 Address line 1
10051 Address line 2
10100 DATE
10101 TIME
10150 MID
10151 TID
10201 INV. NUM
10250 Transaction type
10300 Card number masked
10301 Card entry mode
10350 EXP DATE
10400 TXN ID
10450 RRN
10451 BASE AMT.
10500 TIP AMT.
10501 CASH AMT.
10600 TOTAL AMT.
10651 SIGN
10700 Customer name
10701 Issuer declaration
10750 Reward declaration
10801 App Version
10851 Report type string
10900 Address line 3
10901 Report sub type
10951 Audit report header
11000 Audit detail report
11001 Settlement type
11050 SALE
11051 TIP
11100 VOID
11101 TOTAL
11150 REFUND
11151 TOTAL

Settlement Summary

Transaction response data Filed 31 will contain Batch Summaries of all batches in CSV format mentioned below: “Batch Name (HDFC), Acquire Code/host type, TID, MID, Credit Count, Credit Amount, Debit Count, Debit Amount| Batch Name (AXIS Credit), Acquire Code, TID, Credit Count, Credit Amount, Debit Count, Debit Amount| Batch Name (AXIS Debit), Acquire Code, TID, Credit Count, Credit Amount, Debit Count, Debit Amount| Batch Name (Loyalty), Acquire Code, TID, Credit Count, Credit Amount, Debit Count, Debit Amount”.